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Brazilian Butt Lift, Mommy Makeover, Liposuction, Breast Augmentation in Newark, NJ

Brazilian Butt Lift, Mommy Makeover, Liposuction, Breast Augmentation in Newark, NJ

Get a Mommy Makeover and Liposuction treatment in Newark, NJ

Do you want to rejuvenate your body’s appearance after pregnancy or weight loss? If so, then you need to consider a customized mommy makeover procedure. This surgical procedure can help the mother regain their pre-pregnancy figure and thus improves self-confidence by restoring vitality, specifically concerning the breasts, abdomen, and flanks. A mommy makeover in Newark, NJ is one type of post-procedure that helps the mother regain their pre-pregnancy figure and thus improves their self-confidence.

What do you mean by mommy makeover?

Pregnancy may cause significant changes to the female’s body that can linger long after the baby is born. A mommy makeover in Newark, NJ is a collection of cosmetic procedures performed in one surgical session that can restore the shape and appearance of the woman’s post-pregnancy body.

What procedures are usually performed in a mommy makeover treatment?

In this treatment a series of cosmetic surgery procedures are followed that can help you to restore your body to your pre-pregnancy form. This procedure may include a tummy tuck, Brazilian butt lift, breast surgery (augmentation, lift, or reduction), and liposuction.

Tummy Tuck Surgery

A tummy tuck surgery also known as abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps women improve the shape and appearance of the abdomen post-pregnancy. During pregnancy, your abdominal muscles (and skin) stretch to accommodate your growing baby. After pregnancy, you might find that your tummy area gets loosened than it was before. If you are annoyed with how your abdominal area looks or feels, then you need to have a tummy tuck in Newark, NJ. This tummy tuck treatment may help remove excess skin around your abdomen and tighten your abdominal muscles.

Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian butt lift in Newark, NJ is a specialized fat transfer procedure that can augment the size and shape of the buttocks without any implantation. This procedure can remove excess fat from the hips, abdomen, lower back, or thighs with liposuction, and a portion of this fat is then strategically injected into your buttock area.

Breast Surgery

This surgical treatment includes the following procedures –

  • Augmentation – If your breasts have lost mass, then go for breast augmentation in Newark, NJ, the surgical insertion of a breast implant, which can benefit your breasts appear beautiful and in perfect shape.
  • Reduction – If your breasts are larger than they were before pregnancy and causing you discomfort or back pain, a breast reduction procedure can remove the excess tissues from your body and reshape your breasts.
  • Lift – If your breasts are sagging, then the surgical breast lift can benefit raise your breast by removing the extra skin and tightening the breast tissue.


If you are not getting the desired results you want from healthy eating and exercise alone, then liposuction in Newark, NJ, the surgical removal of the excess fat from your abdomen, arms, or thighs, can be an option. This surgical procedure can target your hips, abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.

So, we can say that a mommy makeover in Newark, NJ can help women restore their youthful look and appearance by correcting the cosmetic issues raised after childbirth. So, if you are looking for the best cosmetic plastic surgeon for a facelift, chin augmentation, or mommy makeover treatment in Newark, NJ then you can schedule your appointment with Dr. Moskovitz.

So don’t wait, and book your appointment at (201) 225-1101 or (201) 225-1106 to have one-on-one consultation today!

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3 months ago I had my rhinoplasty done by Dr. Moskovitz, and let me tell you by far the best decision I’ve made in my life. I'm very satisfied with the results. Dr. Moskovitz gave me exactly what I wanted. He truly changed my life for the better! Thank you Dr. Moskovitz and thank you to his staff. Everyone is absolutely amazing and they made this whole experience very pleasant. If I ever do decide to get any more work done, I know I can trust Dr. Moskovitz to deliver the results I want"

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